Basic Terminology
- ichi: one
- ni: two
- san: three
- shi: four
- go: five
- roku: six
- shichi: seven
- hachi: eight
- kyu: nine
- ju: ten
- hyaku: one hundred
- go: hard
- ju: soft
- ryu: style
- kara: empty
- te: hand
- sensei: teacher
- ki: spirit, inner power
- kiai: shout used to unite inner power and ki
- dan: level
- jodan: upper level
- chudan: middle level
- gedan: lower level
- hidari: left
- migi: right
- mawate: turn
- rei: bow
- yoi: ready
- kamae: ready position
- hajime: begin
- yame: stop
- kime: focus
- mokuso: meditation
- kiritsu: stand up
- dachi/tachi: stance
- kihon dachi: basic stance
- heisoku dachi: closed foot stance (feet together)
- musubi dachi: formal attention stance (heels together, feet at an angle)
- heiko dachi: parallel stance (feet shoulder width apart)
- hachiji dachi: natural stance (feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly pointed out)
- shiko dachi: straddle leg stance
- sanchin dachi: hourglass stance (back toes in line with front heel)
- han zenkutsu dachi: half front stance (back knee drop down to front toes)
- zenkutsu dachi: front stance (back knee drops down to front heel)
- kokutsu dachi: back stance
- neko ashi dachi: cat foot stance
Hand Techniques
- tsuki: punch or thrust
- uchi: strike
- nakadaka ken: middle finger knuckle fist
- ippon ken: first finger knuckle fist
- empi/hiji: elbow
- oi tsuki: lunge punch
- gyaku tsuki: reverse punch
- ura tsuki: short punch (palm side up)
- age tsuki: rising punch
- shotei/teisho tsuki: palm heel thrust
- seiken tsuki: fore fist strike
- nukite tsuki: finger thrust
- ko uchi: bent wrist strike
- ura ken uchi: back fist strike
- shuto uchi: knife hand strike
- tettsui uchi: hammer fist strike
- shotei/teisho uchi: palm heel strike
- tsukame: grab
Foot Techniques
- geri: kick
- ashi: foot/leg
- sokuto: foot edge
- kakato: heel
- haisoku: instep
- tsumasaki: tip of the toe
- hiza: knee
- mae geri (kaegi): front snap kick
- mae geri (kekomi): front thrust kick
- mawashi geri: round house kick
- ushiro geri: back thrust kick
- yoko geri (keagi): side snap kick
- yoko geri (kekomi): side thrust kick
- kansetsu geri: stamping kick, joint kick
- hiza geri: knee kick
- ashi barai: foot sweep
- mae tobi geri: jumping front kick
- yoko tobi geri: jumping side thrust kick
Blocking Techniques
- uke: block
- age uke (jodan): rising block
- chudan uke: inside circular block
- chudan uchi uke: outside forearm block
- gedan barai: downward block
- gedan uchi barai: outside downward block (open block)
- hiki uke: pulling/grasping block
- kake uke: open-handed block
- shuto uke: knife hand block
- shotei uke: palm heel block
- ko uke: wrist block
- ura uke: backhand block
- uchi uke: inside forearm block
- morote uke: augmented block (double-handed)
- mawashi uke: round house block
- tora guchi: double-handed open-hand circular block
- hari uke: archer block
Practice Fighting
- kumite: sparring
- ippon kumite: one point sparring (attacker defends, then counters after attack)
- randori: slow and soft free-style with emphasis on technique
- jiyu kumite: hard and fast controlled free-style fighting
Opening Ceremony
- Head Student: shugo (line up)
- Head Student: ki o tsuke (attention)
- Head Student: seiza (kneel)
- Head Student: mokuso (meditation)
- Head Student: mokuso yame (finish meditation)
- Head Student: shomen ni (face front)
- Head Student: rei (bow)
- Head Student: sensei ni (face instructor)
- Head Student: rei (bow)
- Everybody: onegai shimasu (please teach me)
- Head Student: kiritsu (stand up)
Closing Ceremony
- Head Student: shugo (line up)
- Head Student: ki o tsuke (attention)
- Head Student: seiza (kneel)
- Head Student: mokuso (meditation)
- Head Student: mokuso yame (finish meditation)
- Head Student: dojo kun (shouted by head student, then by everyone)
- Head Student: shinjo ni (face the shomen)
- Head Student: rei (bow)
- Head Student: Hanshi ni (face the shomen)
- Head Student: rei (bow)
- Head Student: sensei ni (face instructor)
- Head Student: rei (bow)
- Everybody: arigato gozaimashita (thank you very much)
- Head Student: otagai ni (face each other)
- Head Student: rei (bow)
- Everybody: arigato gozaimashita (thank you very much)
- Head Student: kiritsu (stand up)