Kihon Waza
Kihon Waza forms the foundation of everything we do—both in training and in life. Every technique is built on fundamental principles that must be learned and mastered. From the smallest details, we diligently strive to perfect these fundamentals.
Cardio training is a vital part of our philosophy and is integrated into every training session. We combine traditional and modern techniques to build endurance and lasting stamina.
Partner Drills
As students progress in Tanzenbukan Goju-Ryu and Kokusai Ryukyu Kobujutsu, partner drills become essential. Special attention is given to safety, ensuring students develop proper techniques at a controlled pace, progressing from intermediate to advanced levels.
Kata is the heart of traditional Karate and Kobudo. Through the continual study of kata, we uncover the deeper meaning of our art, while developing focus, power, posture, and balance.
Students learn self-defense techniques through a progressive process, building the confidence to avoid physical altercations outside the dojo, and to handle confrontations appropriately within the proper context.
Hojo Undo
Goju-Ryu has a rich tradition of Hojo Undo (supplementary exercises), which are used to condition the body for martial arts. These exercises, using traditional wooden and stone tools, develop ambidextrous strength, stamina, muscle coordination, speed, and posture.
Through the practice of kumite, students learn the value of sportsmanship and become comfortable applying techniques in a dynamic, non-scripted environment.